Privacy statement

Netlaa B.V. listed in the commercial register under number 10148560, also trading under the name: Trovet, (hereinafter: “Trovet”) has a strict privacy policy. We take your privacy very seriously and handle your personal data carefully. This privacy statement sets out how we handle the data of our employees, customers and partners. All personal data that we collect via our website, Facebook and otherwise are obtained voluntarily and with your consent.

Trovet is the controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: “GDPR”) and therefore has control over the processing of personal data and determines the purpose and means of such processing. With the following, Trovet executes the obligation laid down in the GDPR to inform the data subject(s) about the personal data we process.

Below we explain in more detail which personal data we process, for what purpose, for how long and with whom we share personal data. We also set out the rights the data subjects have and how they can exercise them.

What are personal data
Personal data are all data typical of an individual (also referred to as the data subject) or that can be traced back to an individual (natural person). There are all sorts of personal data. For example, name and address details but also a telephone number or information about race, religion or health.

What do we use personal data for
Trovet uses your personal data to serve you as best as possible and to communicate with you personally as the data subject. Trovet’s services include the wholesale trade in feeds and food supplements for pets and other animals. Trovet processes your personal data only for the purposes set out below.

  1. To provide its services.
  2. To inform you of our products, additional services, events, offers and promotions, if you have given us your consent to do so.
  3. To communicate with you, as the data subject.
  4. To have the hours worked registered and processed.
  5. To be able to execute the agreements entered into and comply with legal obligations (i.e. in accordance with tax laws and regulations).

Trovet only processes the minimum amount of personal data required for the purposes referred to above. By doing so, Trovet strives to achieve minimum personal data processing. Where possible, fewer or no personal data are processed.


What personal data do we collect
For the above purposes, Trovet collects the following personal data relating to you.


  • Age.
  • Citizen Service number.
  • IBAN.


  • Name and address details.
  • Email address.
  • Telephone number.
  • Other contact details.


With whom do we share personal data
Trovet will only share the personal data collected with third parties in support of the aforementioned purposes or if required by law. Trovet ensures that agreements are made with these third parties about the requirements to be met for such data exchange. Trovet specifically ensures that the relevant third party will also comply with the GDPR. The personal data collected will not be lent, rented out, sold or otherwise made public. Trovet will not transfer any data to a country outside the European Union without your permission.

How we protect your personal data
Trovet attaches great value to the security and protection of your personal data and makes sure that measures are taken to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk. If Trovet engages the services of third parties, i.e. an IT supplier, Trovet will conclude agreements on adequate security measures in the context of protecting your personal data.

Trovet ensures that employees only have insight in or access to personal data that is strictly necessary for the proper performance of their work.

All those involved in the implementation of these regulations, and who gain access to personal data that are confidential or must be kept secret, and who are not already subject to a duty of confidentiality by virtue of a profession, function or statutory provision, are obliged to keep those personal data confidential.

How long we retain your personal data
Trovet will not retain personal data processed for longer than is necessary for the aforementioned purposes of data processing and will do so in accordance with the statutory retention periods. The personal data will be destroyed after the relevant retention periods have expired.

Privacy rights of data subjects
As a data subject, you have a number of rights with regard to your personal data. These rights are explained below. If you wish to submit a request on the basis of your rights, you can contact us via the contact details below. We will respond within four weeks of receiving your request.

Contact details:

Email address:
Telephone number +31(0)481 – 470240
Fax number: +31(0)481 – 470241
Postal address: De Vergert 4, 6681 LE in Bemmel

Right of access and/or modification of personal data
You can ask Trovet what personal data of yours we process, why this is done, where your personal data come from and what retention periods are applied.  You can also ask us to supplement, rectify or delete your personal data.

Right to data portability
You can submit a request for the transfer your personal data. In that case, Trovet will send you your personal data. You are then free to transfer your personal data to third parties.

Right to limitation of the processing of personal data
You can submit a request to limit or temporarily limit the processing of your personal data. In that case, Trovet will cease or temporarily cease the processing of your personal data until you again give us your permission to continue processing your data. You can also always withdraw any consent given to process your personal data.

Right to be forgotten
If you no longer wish to use our services, you can submit a request asking Trovet to remove the personal data it keeps of you.

Right to object
If you wish Trovet to stop processing your personal data, you can submit a request for this purpose. In that case Trovet will stop processing your personal data as soon as possible.

Right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority
If you wish, you can always file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority regarding Trovet’s processing of your personal data. Trovet refers you to the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority for the formalities regarding the filing of a complaint.

Changes to the privacy statement
Trovet has the right to change the content of this privacy statement at any time without prior notice. Changes to the privacy statement will be published on Trovet’s website. None of the provisions of this privacy statement are intended to create an obligation or agreement between Trovet and a data subject.

Questions and contact
If you have any questions or comments on the processing of your personal data or this privacy statement, please contact Trovet via the following contact details:

Email address:
Telephone number +31(0)481 – 470240
Fax number: +31(0)481 – 470241
Postal address: De Vergert 4, 6681 LE in Bemmel

This privacy statement was drawn up on 15 May 2017.